Sayre National Golf Course clubhouse with sun shining in the background and lush green foreground.
Welcome to Sayre City Park sign with white brick pillars.
Sayre National Golf Course, Hole 7 - Trees with cart path, open grass, and distant trees.
Sayre National Golf Course, Hole 1 - 'UP!': Pristine fairway flanked by trees, a challenging start to the course.
Sayre National Golf Course, Hole 8 - 'Roll the Dice': Elevated flag, clubhouse backdrop, and parked golf carts.
Sayre National Golf Course, Hole 7 - Trees with lush green foreground and flat terrain.
Sayre National Golf Course clubhouse with sun and greenery.
Sayre National Golf Course, Hole 6 - 'Precision': Green grass, pond, trees, and a blue sky.

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